We are Puyallup United Methodist Church


Puyallup UMC is an inclusive community that affirms every person is a beloved child of God endowed with dignity, value, and beauty. We welcome all people into the life and ministry of our church without judgement.

You won't find a lot of perfect people at our church, but we are working on that. As Christians and United Methodists, we believe there is great value in striving to be better, so we work together to become people that make a positive difference in the world, our local communities and with our friends and families.

Current Sermon Series

In all the stories of encountering Jesus after the resurrection, none of his friends recognize him initially. No matter how close they were or how long they had been traveling together. Jesus’ resurrected body was dramatically different!

As the church, WE are the Body of Christ. So how are we different in our resurrected body? Like Christ, the boundaries that formerly constricted us pre-resurrection are no more. For United Methodists, as we approach the first General Conference since so many churches disaffiliated over matters of inclusion, this is our first opportunity to gather as a denomination and begin to become a truly Resurrected Church!

Journey with us from now through Pentecost as we celebrate the Eastertide season and dream of who God is calling us to become and be!

Visit our Plan a Visit page to learn more about worshipping with us for the first time.


Reconciling Ministries Network

We affirm that every person is a beloved child of God endowed with dignity, value, and beauty. We welcome all people into the life and ministry of our church regardless of their race, class, age, gender identity, ability, sexual orientation, national origin, cultural heritage, or legal status. We reject any effort by the world to divide, demean, or dominate the human family. We are a community grounded in the principle that when we love each other we love God because God is love and therefore seek to live a life together that is life giving, welcoming, and generous.

Weekly Worship

Join us each week for worship in person or via livestream each Sunday at 10am.

A recording of the service is posted by mid-afternoon on Sundays and includes music, Scripture reading, and a reflection on the day’s scripture. To receive worship links in your email box, please sign up for our newsletter.